
My research focuses on the changing young adult life phase. I am interested in several aspects of young adulthood: rising uncertainty, links between events, the role of parents, and the well-being of young adults. I am working and have worked on several projects within this broader theme.

Rising uncertainty and decreasing well-being in young adulthood

In 2023, I received the VENI grant of the NWO for research on how uncertainty accumulates in young adulhood (in housing, relationships, work) and how this relates to young adults well-being. This project is planned for december 2024 till december 2028.

Temporary contracts in young adulthood
In 2022 I received the GAK-KNAW award for research on the role of temporary contracts for young adults’ life-course events and well-being. I will study this topic using longitudinal register data for the Netherlands and household panel data of various countries.

Singlehood in young adulthood
The focus in this project is on differences in trends by gender and socioeconomic background, and on heterogeneous effects of singlehood. I work together in this project with Professor Ellen Verbakel. This project has resulted in the following papers:  Trends in Singlehood in Young Adulthood in Europe; The educational gradient in young singlehood; The link between singlehood in young adulthood and effects of romantic separation

Home leaving
In my dissertation, “Time to Leave: Contextual and Individual Explanations for the Timing of Leaving Home,” I studied explanations for heterogeneity in the timing of leaving home. My PhD project was under the supervision of Professor Matthijs Kalmijn and Professor Thomas Leopold. I have written the following papers on this topic: De groeiende groep jongvolwassen thuiswonenden; Stepfamily Effects on Early Home-Leaving: The Role of Conflict and Closeness; Explaining Cross-National Differences in Leaving Home; Leaving and Returning Home: A New Approach to Off-Time Transitions; Family structure and leaving home: A mediation analysis

The impact of student aid reforms in the Netherlands
In this project, I use administrative data from Statistics Netherlands to examine the impact of the implementation of the student loan system (in Dutch: leenstelsel) on students’ decisions. I work together in this project with Professor Ruben van Gaalen. This project has resulted in the following papers:
The Impact of Student Financial Aid Reforms on Leaving Home: Evidence from the Netherlands; Studeren en uit huis gaan nog haalbaar?; Studenten Uit ‘Gebroken’ Gezinnen Vaker Uit Huis; Leenstelsel Beïnvloedt Studie- en Woonbeslissingen; Gevolgen Leenstelsel Voor Instroom Hoger Onderwijs.