
I am a researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). In addition, I am an editor and the editorial secretary of Mens & Maatschappij. Before joining the NIDI, I worked as a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam (sociology) and a postdoctoral researcher at Radboud University (sociology).

My interests are in the transition to adulthood, life course research, stratification and family relations. I study how the young adult life phase is changing and how young people cope with these changes. I do this using longitudinal panel data, register data, and advanced quantitative methods.

In 2022, I received the GAK-KNAW award for my research proposal called “De weg naar volwassenheid in de knoop? De rol van onzekere arbeidsposities voor de leefsituatie en het welzijn van jongvolwassenen.” In this project, I study the impact of temporary contracts on young adults’ other life-course transitions and well-being.

In 2023, I received the Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for my research proposal “Growing up in an era of uncertainty: young adults’ life-course trajectories and well-being.” In this project, starting december 2024, I will examine how combinations in uncertainty in education, work, housing, and relationships accumulate and relate to well-being in young adulthood.